One Step At A Time– a step family journal is a collection of stories in a graphic novel format written for step families. Each chapter is dedicated to one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. There is a true story in each chapter, written from either mine (the step mum) or Tyson’s (my step son) perspective, followed by a short devotion related to the story, featuring a fruit of the Holy Spirit and finishing with a small prayer.
The graphic novel is for independent readers of either gender. The book can be bought on it’s own for $8AU or as a pack for $12AU. The book pack contains the following:
1 Book
1 plastic hand bookmark (various colours)
1 bracelet (black band with a small chrome cross)
1 necklace( a large chrome cross on a black leather-like band)
One Step at a Time – Book pack – Blended Not Shaken
Please consider purchasing a copy of ONE STEP AT A TIME for your local library, Christian school, Sunday school teacher, Christian counsellor or a step family.